Wedding Ring


IMDb – Wedding Ring


Surabhi searches for the truth in all the stories she writes, the same story where she imagines herself as the heroine and writes a story about a perverted person.


Written & Directed By: Pradeep Chandra

Starring: Ananya MVT, Ravi Kumar, Akshay Kulkarni

Production: Yoursearch Films

Association: Cineaim

Produced By: Abhilash M & Mamathesh H A

DOP: Ashik Mangalore

Co-Directed By: Akshay Kulkarni & Raghavendra CP

Music By: Shi Om

Editor: Mamathesh H A

Di- Manan Singh

Asst. Directors: Purushottam & Prasanna Bhat

Make-up: Sina

Poster: Harsha Vardhan M

VFX: Nishanth L

Dubbing: Yeshaswini & Vaibhav


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