Feb 14

Feb 14 (2019) Short Film


Feb 14 is a Short film Produced by passionate film Makers and presented in our media. Movie comprise of Love, Love moments, happiness, sadness etc….

Cast & Crew

Director: Vamshi S S

Assistant Director: Amruthesh

Production: VNM Production

Producer: Nithesh Prakash

Starring: Vinesh Prakash, Ananya, Megha

Music: ESPROYSO (Indroneel Roy)

DOP: Arun Kumar, Magesh Mathi

Assistant DOP: U D Mani

Editor: Rakesh Acharya


Media Partner: RPS65 Enterprises

DSLR & DSLR Equipmetnt’s Rentals Partner – Just Rent India

YouTube Partners: Yoursearch Films, ESSAAR Media

Advertisement Partner: Amruth Coconuts

Dubbing Partner: H B G

Photography: Login Photography, M2 Studio Photography, ud Photography

Special Thanks: Dr.M Rudraiah – Principle of Yuvaraja College Mysore

Credits: Abhi, Rupesh, Sanjay, Hima Vamshi

Voice Dubbing: Ramya, Kavya, Gangadhar, Akbar, Meena Madhuri, Meenakshi, Nava Vinay, Rakshath, Sai Sandhya, Aishwarya, Chaithan, Somaiya, P K Tharun Raj, Chandru D K, Shiv

Technical Details

Runtime: 22 min

Aspect ratio: 2.35:1

Resolution: 4K

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